When Marketers hear the name Squidoo, their minds are filled with preconceived notions like free traffic, constant sales, royalties, and a platform that is an affiliate marketer's dream.
There has been a rash of products sold recently about Squidoo; like guides, ebooks and even WSO's (a term used to describe special products sold on the Warrior Forum, a top internet marketing site) on how easy it is to make money using different specialized marketing strategies.
Many of these well meaning products all seem to have a new flaw; Squidoo is changing how they do business and if you don't want to adapt, you can expect to start to see your pages (called lenses) begin to be "frozen" or even unpublished.
This comes as no surprise to the more cautious individuals that have seen Squidoo as nothing more than a series of cookie-cutter sites that are difficult to master and very possible to get months of work "banned".