Let me be up front. My intention is to sell you something. Normally, it's not wise to come out and say that. However, I can do so because I have such an incredible deal for you that you'd be crazy to pass on it.
I mean, why should you be worried about investing a tiny sum of $xx when you can get completly free of depression.
in as little as 18 minutes a day.
Here's what it's all about.
My name is (insert your name). A while ago I found myself in the same place you currently are. I was desperate to find relief from depression.
That led me to discover the amazing power of hypnosis.
And now I'm going to give my solution to you!
I know this is hard for you to believe. I mean, to be able to be totally free of depression in such little time... and without any effort... not to mention the freedom to live your life, appear hard to fulfill at first glance... That is until you know the facts:
On a subconscious level, you will experience an incredible and exclusive "Tri- Enhanced" trance state of hypnosis to reprogram your mind to free you from negatize emotions.
I know that this will be incredible for you. Once you have experienced this "Tri- Enhanced" hypnosis, you will find that you automatically start making powerful changes internally.