We all know that the hardest part of starting out online is just that... starting! Earning your first few dollars online is tough and I know exactly what I'm talking about. Even if you've managed to make a little bit of money, it's probably not enough to keep you going.
During my six years online, I have found that tons of hopeful marketers fail simply because they give up on ever earning any money! They just never see the results!!
If you're anything like I used to be, you probably get really excited when you learn about a new Internet Marketing topic - like SEO or article marketing or social media marketing. If you're anything like I used to be, you've spent waaay too much time trying to learn about all of these topics because you get excited about the potential earnings. But, you spend almost no time actually making money from this kind of stuff.
If you're still struggling to make a consistant income, you're not alone!
Earning your first money online is the biggest hurdle to actually freeing yourself from the 9 to 5 slop! Earning your first few dollars online will give you a huge boost and remind you that it really can be done! If you've been trying to work online for a while, but you haven't seen a consistant income, believe me when I say that I feel your pain.
I know that people always say, "I've been there" but no one has ever meant that more than I do right now - "I've been there". This is not some ploy to gain your attention or to make you feel sorry for me, I just really want you to understand that I have been in your shoes - trying desperately to find a way to make some money online!
It seemed like I was trying everything! I was blogging, making videos, attempting to build a list and just about everything else that you can think of. I wasted time! I wasted money!
Seriously, I'm almost ashamed to say that I wasted away in front of my laptop for about 3 months straight, trying to find a way to make money.
Then, My Wife Suddenly Gave Me An Ultimatum
Either earn money online TODAY or give it up for good!
If you happen to be married, then you know that a statement like that is pretty serious! Even if you're not married, just imagine someone very special to you saying you hadn't produced enough results to continue following your dream. Yeah, that probably sounds childish, but working online from home was my dream. But, she was right. I couldn't waste time and jeopardize our family any longer.
So, there I was, sitting at my laptop absolutely stunned at the fact that I had wasted months of my life and had little to nothing to show for it. More than that, I was sickened by the idea of giving up on my dreams of working from home. So, it was time for me to get serious! I had to show my wife (and myself), once and for all that this Internet Marketing gig was the real deal.
I knew that there had to be some way that I could earn money in less than 24 hours! I had to earn something, anything! Well, you know that they always say that neccessity is the mother of invention - so, in my utter hoplessness, I finally found an absolutely ingenious method of earning money that very day...
And it changed my life forever
That first night, I rolled in the double digits. Over the next week, I pulled in triple figures! I couldn't believe it - I was on a roll! I had finally proven to myself and my family that I could make REAL money from home. The dream of working from home was not only once again possible but it was now closer than ever.
I didn't stop for the first two weeks - I went onto other methods that seemed to just fall into place in front of me. I was finally making money online in ways that I had only read about! I could never have seen myself doing what I was actually doing, but after those first two weeks, I felt like a pro, I felt like I could do anything. Then, it dawned on me...
Earning My First Few Dollars Online Was What Opened The Door To The Rest Of My Success!
All of my success started when my wife had finally kicked my butt into actually earning a little bit of money. Earning REAL money online that first night supercharged me - I knew that I could do it. You know what writer's block is, right? It was like I had "money maker's block" but it was suddenly gone!
I knew that if earning fast money could help me this much, that others could probably benefit from it too. If finally earning some fast money was my biggest hurdle - I figured that maybe it was a hurdle for others as well.
So, I started throwing together the resources that I had discovered. I had developed several different ways to make money online in a single day and I started a little list. Soon, I started adding methods that I had used to earn money in about a week and that little list turned into a big list!
Then, I figured that I might as well add the more advanced money making methods that I was now using. After all, if someone got over the hurdle of earning money in one day, they would definitely be open to using these types of methods. So, I added methods that could make money over the course of a month and beyond.
That little list turned into an incredible book which holds all of my secrets to earning fast money online
Income Commander
My methods to earn money by tonight, by the end of the week AND by the end of the month
I wanted to completely cover everything that you needed to get going - from absolute zero to earning money tonight! It doesn't matter if you're brand new or if you've at the game for a while and need a boost.
Now keep in mind, that even though it's very informative, it's not full of fluff like other ebooks out there. I'm sick of people wasting my time with fluff. I tell you exactly what you need to know. It's all straight to the point because I know that your time is valuable and I don't want to waste it!
- The exact methods I used (and still use) to earn money online in one day - I still use these methods just about everyday to supplement the income that I have coming in.
- Advanced methods to raise your earnings by the end of the week - once you get your first taste of earnings, you can move onto these more advanced methods. Don't worry, they don't build upon each other. You can follow one method or multiple methods - and keep them seperate.
- More methods that will earn you BIG profits by the end of the month - when you have an income pouring in, you're going to be thirsty for more. So, I give even more advanced (but simple to follow) methods to earn a recurring income.
Here are just a few of the topics that I cover
- Earning money by tonight without any specific special skills
- How you can step up your daily methods and make it into a full-time income if you choose
- Multiple scalable methods that can earn you money today or you can scale them up to earn even bigger profits
- Insider methods that you can use to earn more money by the end of the week
- Huge secrets that will earn you even MORE money by the end of the month!
- The exact steps to follow to do it ALL!