So you had a blast last night with your friends, but now you are waking back up to the real world and it's happened again...HANGOVER! UGH!
Worse than that you have to be at work in one hour! Your head is pounding, your stomach is turning like the sea, and you feel so dizzy you can't even think straight.
You are considering breaking every light in the house just so your eyes don't have to deal with the pain.
Your mouth is so dry and you feel so weak, you just want to go back to bed and wake up when it's over, and then all of th sudden you feel it coming.
Yep, your running to the restroom to up chug! That should help your headache!
Does this sound like anything you have ever been through?
Well, join the crowd. Hangovers: Everyone get them, and they all SUCK!
I myself have had my fair share of waking up feeling like I might be part zombie, or just merely in the process of turning rather. :)
I frankly got tired of dealing with it and I made it a point to go on a quest to find a cure for the crap.